How To Confirm Transactions

How to confirm a Sell transaction

To sell coins or bullion to us:

  1. Call us for a current quote on the product or an appointment to come to our offices.
  2. We will give you an indication of your current and net liquidation value based on the value of the rare coin or the precious metal at the moment of your call or our inspection. If you have telephone privileges we will confirm the price and transaction to you at that time. If not, you must make an appointment and come into the office bringing the items for sale with you.
  3. You must deliver the item to us within two days at our agreed delivery location. If you are shipping to our offices see our shipping instructions. If you are delivering to our depository, see the delivery instructions below.

How to confirm a Buy transaction

To buy coins or bullion from us:

  1. Call us for a current quote on the product or an appointment to come to our offices.
  2. We will give you an indication of the net sales price to you based on the value of the rare coin or underlying metal at that moment. If you have telephone privileges we will confirm the price and transaction to you at the time.
  3. We can confirm a price to you with an up front bank wire, verified cashiers check or personal check. The order will be verified and authenticated by us. You may pick up your order or it can be delivered to you via registered insured mail, UPS insured, or agreed upon method, or transferred to your account at the depository of your choice. This process will generally take from 7 to 15 working days. A shipping fee may be charged.

Customer Letter of Transfer

[download Microsoft Word version]

Date: ___

Diamond State Depository
406 West Basin Street
New Castle, DE 19720
Fax 302.322.6870

Re: Transfer of Precious Metals Account #____ (your account number)

Dear Sir:

Please transfer (description of product from depository receipt) to the account of C&M Clearing Corp. DBA Hancock & Harwell, FBO _____ (your name).

C&M Clearing Corp. has agreed to pay any accrued storage and/or other charges on my account.


Client Account #____

cc: Hancock & Harwell (fax: 770-234-6916)